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Date: Monday 31st December, 2001 - Wednesday 2nd January, 2002
State: Queensland
Venue: Belthorpe, near Woodford, Queensland, Australia


Nam Shub of Enki, Superfluid, Odd Harmonic, Aniki, Pip, Op8, Iki-Jima, Octogroover, Siren, Geeezer, Magoo, Emetic, Sphinktor Minaestroni, Kid Kay, Ferris, Mark T, Gecko, Luke, Beat End Profilers, Operon, Fetus, DJ Beef, Orinoko, Mix 'n' FX, Scozbor, Paul


presented by 4ZZZ, Obtuse and Infinity


presented by 4ZZZ, Obtuse and Infinity

Ticket Info

$30+bf from Rockinghorse, Butterbeats, 4ZZZ or $50 atd for both nights or $40 for NYE

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