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Gabriels Lucifer

Gabriels Lucifer



Gabriels Lucifer



Production Company

AUSI, Australian Universal Space Industries


Tip, Trilogy, Blacktron & alot of defunct associations

Musical Influences


QADC Quality Australian Digital Compositions

Current Top 10

Deathstar Nexus Star Wars Genesis Tipi nation Permaterra Battlestar Galactica Cylon Time machine Darth Vader

All Time Top 10

Heavens children Hack Bunny Yeshuah World Ganesha Animism Temple Trons people Fractal Nation Monorail For Israel Mechanical Angel Robotic Transformer

Favourite DJs

fentman & (scotty of cyberia, with the last DOS BBS pc in New South Wales still online), never sell out . . . beam me up scotty, long live HPAVC

Favourite Labels

Tip, Blacktron, Antique HSC tracks, Reality Check Network, Phrozen crew, Tyrian, Trilogy, Amiga Mods.

Favourite Artists

Anyone who produced hsc, mod, s3m, xm & even IT & mid


Upcoming Events

Nothing at the moment

Previous Events

Atomic Pow wow, Fractal Forest, closing of Sydney City Streets for Raves & a few others

Radio Appearances

No radio appearances

Highlight of Career

Their have been a few highlights


Have a compilation release of a number of CD's which is currently available for distribution.

Upcoming Releases

no plans yet



I have been involved in the electronic music industry since the likes of (pc speaker) & Zmodem going back to the 1970's, played many major roles in developing the electronic music industry not only in Australia but all around the world, I have travelled to Europe & United States promoting the New World Order.

Studio Setup

Dont have huge amplifiers or huge fridge size speakers, have had in the past but sold them to sound crews, dont use turn tables or Cassettes much anymore, like the digital robustness of IBM compatiable PC's, like cds, dats & usb is not too bad, MP3 is ok but would prefer to use other sound formats like hsc, mod, s3m, xm & it. My mother was in a all girl groups which supported the beatles, they were called the Cassettes.

Bookings & Contact Info

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