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Hefty Output

Hefty Output



Hefty Output


Melbourne, Australia


Illuminati Records

Musical Influences


Heavy music for the night

Favourite Artists

Pondscum, Damage, Parasense, Kindzadza, N.R.S, Azax Syndrom, Entropy


Previous Events

Some ones that immediately come to mind- + Talamasca/EC (played after Talamasca, cleared 50% of the venue, got cut off after 29 minutes) + Azax/AE3 (clearing the dancefloor in less than a minute - and they're having us back next time - ha ha ha!) + Shift /Imajica (playing to 7 people at about 3pm in pissing rain and hail - you guys know who you are and deserve medals) + Structural Damage in Newcastle -> Royal Doof in Melbourne (official weekend of utter mayhem) + Somatica (first live set for Melbourne, numerous people spotted waving hands in the air like they just didn't care) + Tribe NYE 2005 (um...LOUD!) + Triptamind (introduction to a lovely crew, the spectacular peanut camp and of course the Ketuh family - we'll never forget this one) + Jahbo/AE4 (ableton 1, hefty 0) + Psyism (6 subs a side of Nexo, nuff said) + Nimbin Mardi Grass (nuff said) + Secret Society (epic, deadly and/or gear)

Highlight of Career

All of it


PsyPneumatix Records V/A "Sound Travel" Track: Renegade Peanut vs Delta Nuge - "New Sounds of Freedom" Ketuh Records V/A "In Crypto" Track: Hefty Output - "GHB (remix)" Ketuh Records V/A "Hyperspatial Chrysalis" Track: Hefty Output - "WTF? rmx"

Upcoming Releases

Album on Ketuh coming early 2006



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